Saturday, May 23, 2015

Behold My Amazing Pudding: Prog Rock Saturdays Are Back!

Shield your eyes, kids. 

It's time to trip the light fantastic with Prog Rock Saturdays coming back in full force this summer! 

Every summer I give you warning that things are gonna get experimental and weird, and this might be the weirdest yet. Tonight you dine on Larks Tongue in Aspic and Lambs on Broadway. 

This summer, we cast away the refreshing punchiness and brevity of rock and roll to welcome in the long indulgent moans, dirges and flutey compositions of the ol' pile of prog next to the record player. 

Let's be honest, you won't like all of it. There may very well be a sour-faced Tiki T. sitting at the tiki bar as a Gong record spins, but it's all about the journey, right? So strap in and freak out because we're blasting off!

Tiki T.

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